Exprexxo Thoughts

There are no S's in Exprexxo!

Sunday, November 14, 2004

On the Semantic Web we weave!!!!!

I am quite impressed with connectiveness. Tom's comment after MaryEllen's comment was cool. (See text here) Then I decide to click on Guy's Blogger Name and got the profile where I then noticed all the 'likes' were links, and I said to myself "Hey does Guy know how to do that?" and I decide to click on "Is Paris Burning" where upon I was taken to some guy in Inda who is the only other blogger to indicate that book and then the A Ha happened. So then I looked at who all has the same favorite book as me and there are 30!!! Including some odd looking fellows and an 18 year old in Corrales. They are weaving us altogether.....

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Nebula Test Vote #1

Welcome to the 2005 Nebula Prediction Poll.
The Ballot consists of 2 blog entries.
You vote for the winner by adding your comment to the entry below you think will win.
One lucky entry will win a Beep.

2005 Nebula Test Entry #1 Going Postal

Terry Pratchet's new entry is not even SciFI but this is a test afterall
Click to see amazon's info about Going Postal

2005 Nebula Test Entry #2 Paladin of Souls

Winner of the 2004 Hugo, This is the second in a series.
Click here to see Amazon's info on Paladin of Souls

Monday, November 08, 2004

SciFI 4 released

After too many defects, the new SciFi Awards page is up !!!!. This uses the Amazon Sales data now for a sales rank list and fixes many other tiny issues. I also added a new upcoming link to the award images and next award location and date. WOOHOOO!!!!!!!!!Click on the SalesRank Column and you can see how well older books famous books sell compared to new winners. I am very Happy "TMIAHM" is at 3125 as compared to "American Gods" at 6884 !!!!The #1 selling award winner is a recent winner (because of a retro award) of 50 year old book. I thought I might burn a copy just to celebrate its success!!!Check it out http://exprexxo.net/scifi